Christmas Wrap-up

Happy day after Christmas!  Some places call it "Boxing Day", I think we should call it "Fill up all the garbage bags with wrapping paper, open all the toys, and desperately try and find room for them in the already overflowing toy storage day".  But that's just me ;)
Well, it was the Chunky One's first Christmas, so she got all dressed up.  I tried to get a few pictures of her siting nicely in front of the tree, holding a gift.  She thought it would be better to try and eat the gifts.  I finally had to pull one away from her because the wrapping paper was falling off because it was soaked with drool!


This turned out the be the closest thing to a smile I could get:


Then of course she noticed her nice, shiny shoes.  So she had to try and eat those too.


She did enjoy opening her gifts though, it was so fun watching her frantically trying to grab everything!

Remember that hat I made for Supercat?  She was so excited about it!  She was jumping up and down and I couldn't even get a non-blurry picture of her!  It make this mama happy =)  And she's pretty much been wearing it ever since.


The Boy was pretty happy about his hat too!  I loved his reaction, he's such a sweet boy and showed so much gratitude for his gifts =)


Sadly it was a bit short, so I'll have to add a couple of rows soon.


Miss Supercat getting ready to go to Grandma's house in her new hat and coat!


We spent the day with family, full of food, games and gifts.  This little one got pretty worn out though!

Here are some photos of our day with family taken by mom.  She has a better camera than I do...I'm a bit jealous ;)

And one last photo.  The end of the day, back at home, playing with all the new toys and garbage strewn all over the floor.  I should have gotten it picked up, but I was too busy making play-doh steaks.  Just keepin it real, folks.


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