A few months ago, while in the newborn-lack-of-sleep-blur phase, I went through Costco and grabbed anything and everything that I thought would help with easy dinners. One of the things I ended up with was a gigantic bag of meatballs. Seriously. It's huge. So, I've been trying to get creative about ways to use them up. As a secondary goal, I wanted something that the kids could easily get for themselves for lunch. Thus, the Meatball Bomb was born (the kids came up with the name, can you tell?).
These things are pretty fun to make, and anytime I can get the kids in the kitchen helping me is a bonus. First, split your French Bread dough into 24 even(ish) chunks and
Roll each ball of dough out flat (just smoosh it with your hands), grab a pinch of shredded cheese to put on it, then top it with a meatball.
Roll the dough around the meatball and pinch it closed. Take a selfie.
Then place all the Meatball Bombs in the arsenal (aka: baking sheet).
Bake and devour! Serve with some marinara sauce for dipping and some veggies on the side and you have dinner. The great part is, we have enough leftover for lunches for a couple of days. No more whining about PB and J!
Meatball Bombs
- French Bread Dough (I used this bread machine recipe and pulled the dough out before it's first rise cycle.)
- 24 frozen meatballs
- 2 cups mozzarella cheese (shredded)
- Marinara sauce (for dipping)

- Divide dough into 24 balls
- Flatten each ball into a small circle about 2-3 inches in diameter
- Add some cheese and a meatball
- Fold the dough over the meatball and pinch it closed
- Place on a baking sheet, cover and let rise for 45-60 min.
- Cook at 400° for 18-20 minutes, or until golden brown
- Serve warm with marinara dipping sauce

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