Half a Year!

Well, folks.  It's happening.  My baby girl is growing up.  I've tried to stop her, I've tried to tell her how great it is to be a baby, but she just didn't listen.  it's time to face the fact that she is now 6 months old.  So, here are six things I love about my Chunky Monkey.

1.  Her joy.  Joy is her middle name.  No, really.  We always joke about how her middle name was prophetic because she is seriously such a bundle of joy.  She's always happy and smiling, and always wants everyone else to be smiling as well!

2. Her curiosity.  She's always exploring and observing.  Even when she was a newborn, people would always comment on how alert and observant she was.  She loves to watch people especially.  And now that she's somewhat mobile, she's trying to get everything!  If it's near her...she's grabbing it.


3. Her chunkiness.  Ok, not that I wouldn't love her if she wasn't chunky, but seriously...how could you not want to kiss those cheeks?


4.  She loves her siblings.  And they love her.  And she knows it.  We always call them her fan club because everytime she wakes up from a nap they practically mob her with excitement.  She of course kicks her legs and giggles because she's happy to see them too =)


5. She thinks she's a big girl.  She wants to be doing anything that her big brother and sisters are doing.  And gets mad when she can't!  She thinks she should get to eat or drink anything that I am.  And she thinks she should be able to move wherever she wants.  She's working on it though ;)


6. She is, and will forever be, my baby girl.  My last one.  These last 6 months have gone by so quickly and I feel like I've forgotten to cherish all those "last" little moments.  All the late night feedings, all the diaper changes and all the spit up.  There will come a day that I will miss them, oddly enough.

Happy 6 month birthday my little Miss Chunks, I'm looking forward to seeing you grow these next 6 months!

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